Skills vs dreams

I'm not a professional artist and might not become one. Sketching is my first passion which shines till now. I have not made anything major since my MBA started. I did make some great doodles in classes when I got bored, but nothing "wow". I'm not sure if I miss it or not, but I'm one of many people who are searching
for meaning in life. Some people call it purpose, calling, destiny etc. I believe that if you are alive and reading this, then you are here, on this very earth, to do something that you never thought you are capable of. As we grow up we loose ourselves in the fog of following rules, fear, shame, embarrassment and failure. When we were child, we were perfect. We were not concerned of anything, were we?! We laughed, slept, shouted, created trouble & had all sorts of fun without thinking about the consequences. We followed what we loved doing!

And that's it! You just need to follow your passion to find your purpose. It can be a tough thing to figure out for some of us. I'm one of them! I have good artistic skills, as I like to call it. But, this is not I really want to do. But, I believe my sketching & related imagination skills are going to help me in a big way in my future. I don't know how and when, but I know they will! That is why I have decided to make out some time to keep my sketching alive.

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." - Steve Jobs (co-founder & former CEO - Apple Inc. & Pixar)


  1. Do continue with your passion on the side, no matter what you end up doing for a living...All the best!


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