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I wrote one answer on Quora a couple of years back in 2015 when I just entered into my 20s. I guess those things which I learnt/realised still holds true. So I'm posting that answer as it is on this post.
" This is what I've learned so far:
- This world owes you nothing, literally nothing.
- You don't owe anything to this world too.
- You are responsible for whatever happens to you, good or bad.
- There is nothing like pre-defined destiny, you make your own!
- 80% of the fears never come true.
- Talking about fear, FACE THEM always!
- People don't care about you or your condition, they judge right or wrong, good or bad from their sense of perception!
- Don't expect Empathy from others, but that doesn't mean you have to be like them!
- Express gratitude whenever possible.
- Do good, don't expect anything in return. You will be happier.
- Be with 2 types of people always. One who are like you; other who you want to be like.
- Be passionate about something, practice that often!
- Engineering, MBA, Doctorate etc. doesn't ensure safe & secure life as the tradition goes. It's upto you what happens to you, just be confident!
- Don't have regrets, they will haunt you later!
- Learn, learn & learn as much as you can and whatever you want to.
- Explore the unknown scary regions in your life, they will make you stronger.
- Keep secrets to yourself until it is absolute necessary to share!
- Have a goal?! Go achieve it, STOP PROCRASTINATION. Life is shorter than you realize.
- Exercise daily, eat well and meditate often! If you take care of your body and mind, it will take care of you when you are old!
- You can achieve almost anything in life!
- Travel while you can.
- It's okay to be alone and love your own company. As I said, world owe you nothing (point no. 1).
- It's okay to cry!
- This time too shall pass, you shall lose people you never expected to in your life, so make sure to make good memories while you go along.
- You don't always get what you deserve and sometimes you get more than you actually deserve. Life is unfair!
- Not every great answer will give you upvotes on Quora! :P "
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